Posted by Will (in IL) [] on Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 08:17:51 :
In Reply to: Re: WHEW! I feel better now. posted by Wade in IN [] on Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 13:57:44 :
Weren't the FF Power Wagons built from a hodgepodge of parts from the Dodge Parts bins?
The Cab is a modified 40's Pick-up Cab, the wheels from WWII trucks, etc...?
We all know if you can find "factory" parts, they make the repairs to keep them original much better, but with the age and use our trucks have seen, we also know that some repairs just require new steel. Some here have gone the extra mile for us and use this new (or recycled) steel and build parts for us that are the correct shape so those who are less able to form it have parts fro repair.