Posted by copey [] on Sunday, September 05, 2010 at 05:27:34 :
In Reply to: [OT] Chainsaw Fixed.... posted by Hank [] on Sunday, September 05, 2010 at 02:31:01 :
a spark plug would stop working ,i am not kidding either . there isnt any moving parts , its just a electrode in the middle , i have tested "bad' plugs with a ohm meter and the still have the ability to conduct electricity.put new plugs in flooded engines and have to throw out the plug ? and what makes mystery no starts on two strokes so hard on a plug .I want to know the answer this puzzling question before i head out on the last ice flow .the other question is when heading out on the ice flow for the last time should i take peanut butter or cheese whiz ~ Copey
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