Posted by Dave Ball [] on Friday, September 03, 2010 at 03:02:36 :
In Reply to: OT rattle snakes posted by The Dodge Boys [] on Thursday, September 02, 2010 at 21:18:35 :
Here in Central Kalifornia we have a couple of different species of Rattler.
The worst is Mojave Greens, Then Western Diamond backs followed by Side Winders in the desert area's.
Most Rattlers will bite you just to say "back away I am slitheren here" they very rarely envenomate when doing this. Sometimes they are cornered or stepped on and lose there control and will wack you hard with a couple cc's of there freshest juice and depending on which species hits you in minutes you will be in either life threatning mode or going to the doctors the next day with a bad headache and a big swelled up bite site.
About the same as a Black Widow which after several bites from those I seem to be not to bothered by those buggers anymore.
If your dog gets a big dose of rattler venom you will be looking for a cardboard box and the benadryl will be worthless.
There are two types of venom the type that eats your flesh and the type that paralyzes your central nervous system. One stops you from running away so the snake can watch you flop around while it works up an appatite the other starts digesting you before the snakes swallows you.
The Mojaves have necrotic venom and the longer you wait to get to the doctor the more they have to cut off you too save your life.
If there is a rattler living in your habitat kill it and burn its head throw the rest away in the garbage.
If your out in the woods back away and take another route.
Snakes is why I dont sleep in tents that do not have floor and doors that zip up and I prefer to sleep in my trucks bed off the ground.
One trip to the desert sleeping out in the open in a bedroll on a "snake night" and you will buy a camper shell.
I have heard from mountain folk snakes don't wander above 6000 feet altitude maybe thats why there is none in Idaho.
They sure love sea level.
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