Posted by Bob Stopka in PCB [] on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 17:50:28 :
In Reply to: OT small engine woes posted by Ken See [] on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 17:30:51 :
Just a guess, but from my experience a good chance the issue is ethanol gas if you are running it. I had issues with the carb (which had been professionally rebuilt just a couple year prior and had been working fine) on my WC4 and I sent it back to the same rebuilder, Jim Wallace, in Pensacola.
The truck did not want to idle unle I had the choke partially out, as if the fuel air mixture was messed up. When Jim took it apart he found deposits on a color he had not seen before. He described them as ashen in color and it was around the needle and around / in some of the jets / passages. I was able to then find 2 local stations that sell strictly non-ethanol, and also I discovered to local marinas sell no-ethanol because the ethanol gas plays havoc with boat motors and 2 cycle engines. Had a friend that had a 5 gal pressurized gas tank on a john boat with a small outboard and he had not started it in about 6 months. He tried to start it to no avail and finally drained the 2 gallons or so out of the gas tank into a clear container and the liquid immediately separated into gas and water at about 2/3 gas and 1/3 water. I saw this myself. Since then I have only been running non-ethanol in the WC4 and any small engine I have and I have had no more issues.
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