Posted by Bruce in BC [] on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 12:14:51 :
Left the house at 9.15 to drive up a mountain and look at the shooting stars . Turns out the spring rains had washed the road out , most of the road was a ditch , full of boulders and overgrown . Could not even see the road in many places and had to make sure I was not heading for the ditch which was 6 feet deep in places . We made the top and boy did we see a lot of shooting stars . About 1 every 2 minutes . At one point we saw about 8 in one minute . The best one left a trail that could be sen for about 20 minutes , one of the best shooting stars I have ever seen . At 11.15 I decide to take my girls home . The truck would not start - it was jambed . After almost an hour of banging , twisting and trying to adjust the starter did get the truck to fire up at about 12 oclock , just aftern I announced that we were about to go on a walk . I guess I get to shim the starter today . How I got the truck to start was I punched the starter button about 10 times in a row and as fast as I could . At some point it started to crank and the girls started to dance and vroom the thing was running . The trip out was fun , trying not to have the truck stall in the cross ditches or drop in a hole and feather throttle the engine while breaking makes for some entertainment .
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