Posted by Tim Holloway [] on Wednesday, August 04, 2010 at 21:55:15 :
Well, while the high from the Vermont Rally is still with us, it isnt too early to start planning to attend the Potomac Highlands Power Wagon Rally and Extravaganza AKA "The West Virginia Rally" or PowerWagonPalooza.
Dates are October 8-10.
Dave Horvath really puts on a great Rally, with great home cooked food, often live music, great trail rides, excursions to local places of interest, and tons of comeradery, so, I reccomend finding a way, any way, to attend. I really doubt there is anyone who has been who wished they hadnt. So, put it on your callendar and we will see you there! Bring Wives and kids, everyone will have a great time.
Only 64 days to Rally time!
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