Posted by Will (in IL) [] on Wednesday, August 04, 2010 at 10:53:38 :
In Reply to: Another similar story.... posted by OleManIdaho [] on Wednesday, August 04, 2010 at 10:31:14 :
That reminds me of an indecent in the 70's when I was in High School. I drove the Bob Truck (2 ton Grain Truck) to school. I always got there early, and picked a prime spot and spent the day in school.
After school, my younger brother and I high tailed it out to the truck to go home and work on the farm .He commented about how the Maverick was parked very close to me on the passenger side. I said that's so-and-so's car, he's an idiot for parking so close in huge parking lot.
We pulled out, and with the pot holed grave lot, the empty heavy truck bounced around a lot, but my brother said I think you hit the car as you turned pulling out. I said no way, and we continued on.
Later that afternoon by Dad came and got me off the tractor and said, "Boy is there something you need to tell me?" I said no, and he said "Are you sure? Come with me."
We drove back up to where the truck was parked, and there was the so-and-so and his dad. They proceeded to show me pictures of his car with the Bob Trucks tire marked up and over the fender and the corner of the hood. We looked at the tire, and sure enough there was orange paint on it.
Yikes, I know the truck bounces, but sure didn't realize it bounced that had when leaving the lot to have drive over the Maverick! Pop paid them for the damage, and he decided it was time I bought my own vehicle and quit driving the Bob Truck to school.
So I now pay more attention to those who park inches away rather than feet away from me. But perhaps I should have continued the driving over cars thing, I might have beaten Big Foot to the market.
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