Posted by Franz [] on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 at 13:43:02 :
In Reply to: Franz posted by copey [] on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 at 05:58:42 :
Copey, you are talking about 2 entirely different things. Charlie's shop was the victim of hyperoxygenation, NOT an Oxygen/oil reaction.
If you're old enough to remember hospital oxygen tents, you also remember baby nurslings being miseducated to go into full blown freakout aver visitors & patients smoking in rooms where O2 was in use. There used to be 2 fun days every year when the baby nurslings were taken to the hospital parking lot with a huperoxygenated mattress and stood in a semicircle upwind from the mattress when a cigarette was tossed on.
You can get almost the same reaction by sitting a container of HTH pool chlorine in a closed room with a leaking can of motor oil on top.
Post fire autopsys are rarely accurate, and often found to be wrong upon investigation by people who have more than the 4 hours of training mandated by law.
Unfortunately, your post contains far too little information to form a conclusion of anything beyond hoses that should have been replaced. I have several pictures of several sets of tanks that went thru the complete destruction of a smith's shop with their only reaction being the safetys blowing. In that case only the safetys on the acetelene tanks blew, the oxygen tanks still had pressure after the fire was put out.