Posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 10:29:55 :
In Reply to: OT Brakes posted by 1942commandCar [] on Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 10:00:03 :
You need to isolate the problem to either the booster or master cylinder. If it was my problem, I would remove the master cylinder.
Mount the master cylinder in a bench vise. From the brake fluid outputs, run a short hose to a container. Then slowly depress the master cylinder rod about 3/4 of the travel.
Watch and see how much brake fluid you are pushing out. Do this a few times, being sure to keep new brake fluid in the master cylinder. Discard the brake fluid you have pumped out, dont re-use it.
If your pushing a considerable amount of brake fluid with each stroke, you can most likely Bless the MC. Then you would need to turn your attention to the booster and find why its not pushing the master cylinder piston.
Let us know how you make out testing the MC