Posted by Todd Wilson [] on Friday, June 04, 2010 at 11:59:45 :
In Reply to: Get Mad at the Gov? posted by David [] on Friday, June 04, 2010 at 11:28:11 :
Yobama has got ahold of the car companies,health care industry and before long he will have control of the oil companies. Already talks of taking away tax breaks to oil companies and creating a new clean up tax for all oil companies to pay. In the end the oil companies will break it off into the american public and we'll see higher gas prices then we ever could imagine. That will surely help the economy!
They already said they will keep their boot on the throat of BP. Thats a really nice thing to say. What they should have done is offered any resource the government has to get the well capped to BP. In the mean time they should have rallied everybody and resource possible to protect the coast line. Instead we drag our feet and say no to sand bar building and other things that the public is ready to get involved in to help. Heck people fill sandbags when rivers flood to help protect their city why not let them help now along the coast. Yobama wants this whole deal to be a big pile of crap which it has turned out to be. He will then step in at the end and take credit and spew forth more words to protect this from happening again Talk bad to the companies and so forth and then his following will praise him and perhaps help the vote coming up. You can kiss off shore drilling goodbye for now. I would also see all off shore operations now halted until inspections can be made and or a new style protection put into place to prevent this from every happening again! Watch the gas prices rise!
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