Posted by Caleb (Kansas City) [] on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 23:45:41 :
Awhile back I posted to see if anyone was in need of parts for a '43 (ish) 3/4 ton ambulance. I sent out some reflectors and someone contacted me about guages (I had my computer crash and lost my Outlook...) Anyway, I am going to tear it down so I can preserve the body parts I will use for my next build and would like to send the rest to a good home instead of the scrapper.
Here is what is going to be available and the prices will be whatever we agree seems fair.
Frame: Seems to be basically unmolested except for a few welded on parts here and there.
230 engine: Turned over by hand, have not attempted to start.
Transmission: stuck, but I think it is just in the top end.
Transfer Case: Single speed, I don't know much about it yet.
Springs (rears still wrapped in tin)
Maybe the front axle...I need to think it over if I am going to upgrade my 1/2 ton with it.
Steering box etc... Seems to be in good condition.
Rear end gone already along with the PTO.
I also have a set of 4 original wheels from a 1/2 ton WC 4x4 for 7.50-16 tires, decent shape. I think the date stamps were '41 and '42
Drop me an e-mail if you are interested. I was going to go to the Iowa Rally, but it is not looking good right now between work and having gone to a few weddings this month so money is a little tighter than I feel comfy with but if anyone is going to come through the area, I could probably make some arrangements to pull some parts.
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