Posted by Britt in Cool on Friday, November 24, 2000 at 01:47:50:
Well I was finally able to get the entire drivetrain out from under the frame, thanks to the help from a backhoe to lift it up and drag the front and rear axels out,,,Believe me those are some heavy units!!! I thought that I would just push then around to where I needed to put them,,YA RIGHT!! Know any good hernia doctors???I purchased a running 360 with the rear sump oil pan for $35.00,,, I know, I know, what do you get that runs for $35.00, I drove the truck and it has (had) great power, dosn't smoke, starts right up, oh ya and it came with a four speed NEW PROCESS. I also convinced the guy that he had no need to keep the drivelines so I got them too. GOOD TRADE. He tried to give me a Dodge van to haul it all home in, it ran also, but I figgered that I might be living in it if I brought it home,,,It just so happened that the neighbor of the same guy had the old IH flatbed that I got to part out but the only reason I wanted it was for the three speed brownie that was in it. Brownie now goes in Britts Rock Crawler......late......Britt.