Posted by Dale House/ Anchorage on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 12:49:27:
I am reassembling my 1962 WM300 which I foolishly did not adequately photograph as I was taking it apart. Can someone help me determine the proper placement of the 5 bed cross members. There sure are a lot of holes to chose from. What I have are three pieces of U-shaped channel iron and two cross members on little stands. I can figure out where the two cross members on the little stands go and I can tell which piece of channel iron goes in front. Should the front cross member be installed with the opening facing toward the back (the U tipped backward) or should the opening face the front. Same question regarding the other two U shaped pieces.
Also, because I will no doubt encounter other parts, the function and placement of which will be disturbingly mysterious, does someone have a WM300 in the Anchorage Alaska area that I could look at?
Thanks much.