Posted by DanG [] on Friday, May 14, 2010 at 09:29:27 :
Hey Long Islanders,
I thought I'd send out a quick note, Old Bethpage Village Resotoration is hosting the second "Salute to the American GI" timeline event. Re-enactors from the Revolutionary War period, right through and up to the modern GI. Civil war, Span Am, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam re-enactors doing their thing. Some very impressive displays, blank firing demo's, ( I'm trying to get my semi auto Browning 1917A1 watercooled to run on blanks for this event). Also, The New York Military Vehicle Club will be participating with many vehicles, from WWII to the present. I'm taking my '44 WC-51, with .50 mounted .
Old Bethpage Village Restoration Park, May 15 & 16 . 9am till closing.