Posted by Dana [] on Monday, May 03, 2010 at 14:59:36 :
Howdy all! I’m looking for a winch for my ’47, hoping someone can help me out here.
I have the bumper pieces and PTO, I’m just looking for the actual winch (doesn’t have to be coded ’47) with the mounting bracket bars (that go from frame rail to frame rail) and possible driveshaft for it (which I’ve heard are a pretty easy part to make if you can’t locate one).
Before you sell one to some Texas boys (way to go, T-ROY!... : ) drop me an e-mail. I’m hoping to make the rally again this year even if only for a day or two (granddaughter’s birthday is June 12th... so every year, no matter how you cut it, it’s going to be during the rally...) and could pick it up there if possible.
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