Posted by Mike O in CO. [] on Friday, April 30, 2010 at 00:11:03 :
In Reply to: Re: so much for drilling offshore posted by clueless [] on Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 14:43:12 :
I.m sure that rig had a blowout preventer, but it was damaged in the blast. There's no use crying over it now. Though it's terribile that this has happened, it's one of the risks involved. The tradeoff is higher fuel prices/foregin dependence increased if we don't drill. All we can do is focus on cleanup/containment, nature is tougher than you give it credit for. The same people who will bi^*h about the spill will likely bi%$h the price of fuel is going up or that they don't want a wind turbine in thier yard.
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