Posted by Russ Roth [] on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 17:04:56 :
I've been hauling out of a wrecking yard @ Grand Mound this week and noticed a flat fender sitting on a flatbed rig just north of exit 59. It looks to be maybe a 1 ton but it definitely is not a Dodge. It has a split rear window and looks like a Studebaker cab while the hood looks like a long '41 Dodge style. Although I know Studebaker built rigs for the military during the war (neighbors had one)I always thought they were tandem axle stuff. Anybody going up and down I-5 seen it and know what it is? Even though I was by it the last several days it's a bit difficult to really look at it and keep the rig on the road. =)
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