Posted by Jason [] on Friday, April 23, 2010 at 01:20:01 :
here I thought I was getting into a hairy project with my engine changeover in my gravel driveway! this is on my '85 Ram. had to take a break from wiring the Power Giant, so thought I'd start on changing the engine in the Ram......ugh, nasty surprise under the floor mats. big holes EVERYWHERE! crap, this project is just going to take a lot longer. already had to add a brace to the x-fer case crossmember,(was a 4x4 conversion) straighten out the rear trans. mount (checker crap broke) and decided to make an access cover for the trans for easier removal,access and service(don't know why dodge discontinued the access covers)makes the tranny a pain to get out! thank goodness I was able to borrow the neighbors MIG!