Posted by Damienvon3 [] on Friday, April 16, 2010 at 02:44:01 :
In Reply to: Rest In Peace Woody... posted by chrisnj [] on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 18:09:08 :
Chris, I know what you are going thru. A week from this Sat will be one year ago that I to lost my best friend Damien! He was a Rottweiler that was by my side for nearly 14 years.
I am sorry for your lose, and I can say that after a year, there hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about my friend. And I am sure you won't either.
An amazing thing, my Moms Yorkie and he were best of buds. The yorkie mourned like no other. They used to get bones together, and one night he took his bone in and put it in the window where Damien used to lay and watch what was going on out front. To this day that bone is still in the window. Don't forget Woodies other Buddy sitting right there next to him.