Posted by Tim Holloway [] on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 21:32:15 :
This morning, I decided to see if the old girl would be interested in starting, and driving off the trailer. I put a battery in her, and she cranked over fine. I shot a bit of ether down the carb to see if it would fire on that. (the fuel line is not connected to the carb.) She popped right off on the motor candy, so I knew I was getting spark etc. I dumped a slosh of gas down her throat. Varoom, she ran on that too.
I have a small 1 gallon tank with an electric fuel pump set up for just these occasions. I hooked that up and could not get any gas to spray in the carb. I pulled the carb apart and cleaned it out, jungle style, certainly not a rebuild. Still no joy. I pulled another stromberg WW off the shelf, and took a look inside. Clean, but missing the float spring. Took the other one apart and stole a few goodies off it. Back on, get a shot of gas when the pedal is pushed, good to go!Hop in, she starts right up! stalls easily, but thats not surprising.
When I loaded it on the other day, the drivers side rear wheel was locked up. Today, I put it in 4 wheel drive, and started backing down the trailer. After a few feet, I felt it pop, and then she rolled a lot better. I suspect the shoes were frozen to the drum. Anyway, with a minor amount of work, I think this truck would be a good runner. It felt good to drive her off the trailer under her own power!
I cleaned out the glovebox, and found the original 1960 Power Wagon drivers Manual. In really good condition, for the W-100, W-200, W-300, WM-300 and W-500 Models. On the first page is a picture of a WM-300. Pretty cool booklet!
Anyone seen the pipe rack on the stake body before? The owner said it had a canvas cover that had gone on it but it had rotted away. This is all factory!
Check out the link for the other pics of it.