Posted by Fleabag [] on Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 16:41:47 :
Fleabag here, I want to offer the 1957 Power Giant parts here first, have complete truck and then some. I purchased a 59 as you know and have done the 4bt conversion on it and the engine from the 59 has 32,300 miles on it and runs like a dream, the 230 and transmission complete, would like to get 650.00 for that. Have just about any other part for the 57 power giant except windshield and tailgate. Have many door inner parts, handles, sheet metal and new reproduction fiberglass rear fenders, these will work on many Dodge trucks in that style. Axles, cab, frame, seats, on and on. I can bring things to the Iowa rally or maybe Vermont rally. Could also go up to Ron's in May. I will have a lot of stuff at the Iowa rally. Also have a centered rear to use on FFPW, rims for same and axles, hubs, drums etc. Prices will be very reasonable on everything. Also have extra 59 Power Giant nose sheet metal with headlight trim, grill inner fenders and passenger side door. Email me at and tell me what you want and what you offer. Thanks Duane.
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