Good one Clint

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Posted by Clueless [] on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 10:47:02 :

In Reply to: Those stalks are ensilage - corn still on the stalk. posted by Clint Dixon [] on Monday, March 29, 2010 at 20:04:21 :

Looks similar to hemp processessing and no doubt there were a few ff involved before the outlaw. Hemp saved Bush seniors ass when he bailed on his crewmen.

More than likely there was no need for such viable farm trucks now that they banned the most useful farm plant on the planet. You guys that are farmers should be behind legal hemp, quite a profitable plant, but instead jump on the bandwagon, hope that's not because your posers

I can laugh with rest, but just for the record I am drug and alcohol free. We could go into the whole history of the drug charad and who was and is behind it but we will leave that for another day. Have a good day!!!

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