Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 06:57:11 :
In Reply to: Very interesting posted by D Sherman [] on Monday, March 29, 2010 at 12:58:23 :
The 1950 Power Wagon movie is available on DVD.
Here is a short list of a few of the things they used to power from the belt pulley drive:
Hay press
Concrete mixer
Corn Sheller
Ensilage cutter
Sorgum press
Threshing machine
Boring mill
Shingle mill
Corn elevator
Veneer mill
Rock crusher
Drag saw
Hay elevator
Die press
For many years, all kinds of equipment, industrial and agricultural, had been belt driven from tread mills and turn styles where oxen, horses, and mules provided the power. Later came steam power and then gasoline. The Power Wagon came on the scene at the very end of the belt power era, at the time when more equipment was being powered by direct shaft drive from tractors and portable power plants, mounted gasoline engines, and electricity.
The belt pulley drive on the Power Wagon bolts to a pillow block mounted to the rear crossmember of the truck. Unbolting and removing the pulley drive reveals the truck's tailshaft - an 1-3/8 inch splined shaft as found on some tractors. The driveshaft for the post hole digger shown in the literature can be seen at about a 30 degree angle to horizontal.
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