Posted by Bill in CO. [] on Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 16:20:29 :
trailer queen. My first long road trip didn't finish too well. After spending the night in Espanola, NM, we headed out for our final destination in southern NM. Just outside of Santa Fe the TW somehow sucked some air into the system and stopped. Went through the bleeding injector sequence again and managed to limp into Santa Fe. Driving down airport road, we stopped at the first parts place we saw, Auto Zone. Bought supplies to fix my McGivered repair from the night before. Spent about 1/2 hour and we were back on the road heading towards NM 599 to I 25. Got about a mile from Auto Zone and same senerio. Coasted to a side road leading into a trailer park. It was 9:00 AM. After many attempts to bleed air from the system, each time starting right up only to die after a couple of minutes. I noticed my fuel pressure guage was reading zero whenever I had it running. Figured it must be a lift pump. Walked the mile back to Auto Zone and bought a first generation CTD lift pump. Got back and installed it. Bled the system again and it fired right up, only to die with-in a couple of minutes. Started chasing potential air leaks in the system, tightened all clamps to white knuckle tight. Still no progress. At 1:00 PM my wife (the sensible one) suggested we just rent a U-Haul and head for home. I suggested she walk to Auto Zone and look up numbers. The entire four hours I was attempting to "fix" the problem, several of the resedents remaked on my "cool ride" as they drove in and out in their souped-up ricers and mustangs. None offered to help though. My wife returned with a list of U-haul places. She started to call them, only to find thay closed at noon. There was one exception, he would be open until 4:00. I do not know my way around Santa Fe, but he told us how to get there. We started walking, and a young man stopped in his new CTD offering to tow my TW. I explained he probably didn't want to tow it to Colorado, but asked for a ride to the U-haul. He obliged and we sure were glad he did. The U-haul place was about 10 miles from where we were. Got back with the truck and trailer, loaded up and were off just before dark. Six hours later, we were back on home soil safe and sound. Lots of thumbs up along the way, but it didn't help my sense of frustration. Thirty hours and $700 later, the trailer queen is back in the garage, waiting for me to calm down enough to properly diagnose and fix the problem. Still don't have the body parts I was trying to get to begin with.
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