Posted by Dozerman51 [] on Sunday, March 07, 2010 at 22:57:04 :
Hello all,
Here are the numbers I have for the 2 Double acting fuel pmps I have. The one I installed in my truck is: AC#9414(5591676). The one I recently bought at a swap meet is AC1523648. This one appears to be of earlier build than the one I installed in my truck. It has the Glass bowl instead of the metal bowl. Other than taht the pumps appear to be the same. Hope this info helps the rest of you find some of these pumps at swap meets and car shows. They are out there, you just need to know the numbers and what they look like. They say that the long block fuel pumps take a different arm than the Dodge Plymouth blocks. I don't know about that so you will have to research this aspect of fuel pump application.