Posted by Eric B. [] on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 11:03:21 :
In Reply to: Hey I tried posted by clueless [] on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 10:42:25 :
Next time you do a Google search for images look at that large bar at the top. In that bar there is a small image, and a couple options, one is to "click here for full size image" If you click on that it will sometimes give you the URL you need to post the image correctly, all the hard work done for your by Google.
The other option is to click on the text to the right that says "Remove Frame" that will change the URL from a Google search link, to just the URL of the page you are viewing. That should be a much shorter link at the very least, plus now you are aiming directly at the page you want, so mistakes are less likely.
All I was asking is that you try, plenty of people are ready to help if you have concrete questions about how to post images, it is confusing for a lot of people and has a long learning curve.