Posted by David Sherman [] on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 19:03:37 :
In Reply to: Re: Perhaps the County took them away posted by Jason [] on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 18:34:00 :
Around here, they'll put a 3-day notice on an unregistered vehicle and then tow it. They make very little attempt to contact the owner. Somebody abandoned a chevy van in my parking lot a couple years ago. I just told the sheriff that it wasn't mine and I didn't want it there, and it was gone 3 days later. They didn't even ask me for any proof that I owned the lot, and 3 days surely wasn't enough time to mail any kind of notice to the owner of the van. In hindsight, I should have pulled the engine first.
It would be very easy for someone to abuse that sort of "honor" system. Somebody you don't like is gone for a while, so you call the sheriff and tell him you own the lot where his rigs are parked, and you want them gone. You could say he owes you back rent for the storage, or you just bought the lot and you have no idea how the vehicles got there, or whatever. There are also some unscrupulous impound operators who snag "abandoned" vehicles, park them in some out-of-sight place, wait a while, launder the titles (here, at least, licensed towing operators can get sheriff's titles way easier than ordinary people can) and re-sell them, or jut part them out. I'm sure curious what the story is behind Chris' theft. It hardly seems worth the trouble and legal risk just for the scrap, at $140/ton. If the government was involved, even as an unwitting party to a scam, they should tell you if you asked them. On the other hand if some government person was in on the whole operation, they'd try to cover their tracks. I'd also be curious to know how much the local authorities appear to care about this. This is a pretty major theft, on the scale of the sort of thing only organized crime can pull off. Is a detective seriously investigating? There are lots of questions here.