Re: Engine Swaps for 1/2 Ton

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Posted by Don on Friday, November 10, 2000 at 22:46:14:

In Reply to: Engine Swaps for 1/2 Ton posted by Tim Mooney on Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 15:49:48:

I have a Buick 231 v6 with an SM465 tranny in mine. I know, it's GM, but it fits perfect, uses the original radiator and doesn't have so much power you'll be breaking the stock drivetrain. If you are re-powering it to make it more streetable, I would certainly get rid of the stock tranny. With the divorced xfer case, you can put in a engine tranny combo without any adaptors (but will require tranny to xfer driveshaft mod). I would think any newer straight six would be hard to fit, the stock six's are really short.

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