Let's define "Combat Rims".

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Posted by Brian in Oregon on Monday, October 30, 2000 at 15:30:19:

In Reply to: Re: Brian, could you be a little more direct?(nt) posted by Migz on Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 03:16:40:

The term "Combat Rims" refers to the style of rim that has an outer ring that BOLTS on. It is not a split ring as used on the 1/2 ton (7.50x16) or the M37 Budd (900x16). The "Combat Rim" also used an inner metal band that locked the tread into place. (Illustrated in the Dodge 6x6 1 1/2 ton manual if anyone wants to see a phot of it.)This is almost impossible to find anymore.

I have not seen ANY 1/2 ton that ever came with "Combat Rims".

Production 3/4 ton WC's came with a "Combat Rim".

As outlined by Fred Coldwell above, 1/2 ton split ring rims will not fit the 3/4 ton WC's.

Now, which rim was it you tried to bolt on?

For reference photos of a "Combat Rim", here is a link:


I've also tried to post a photo of a 3/4 ton WC Carryall with the "Combat Rims".

This link shows the 1/2 ton WC trucks and their split ring rims:


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