Talking about heads

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Posted by Tom @ Snake River on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 09:47:23:

In Reply to: 318 or 360 posted by John on Monday, October 23, 2000 at 21:57:20:

I transplanted a 360 into my M-37, following the bible that John Zintmier wrote. John says to use a 1971 engine. Well come to find out, the blocks are basically the same. The differance is in the heads. The 1971 heads are the higher compression heads, and after 71 the compression goes downhill. You might do your homework on heads, be it a 318 or a 360. My advise, is that a 318 would be more than adequate, the 360 has plenty of power and is overkill, and cooling is an issue. Tom

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