Posted by Tim Holloway [] on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 11:58:19 :
So Tuesday morning at Chris Cases, we got up and had a hearty breakfast of steak, eggs and hask browns. Then off to meet up with the M101 trailer owner. Got there, the trailer still looked good, seeing it it the daylight this time. Completed the transaction and headed back to Chris's. We jacked the trailer up and spun the wheels, nice and smooth. We then cracked all of the lug nuts, in case I have a flat along the way. It was a good call to do this, as it was all Chris and I could do to bust them free. We got the 4 sets of tires loaded, plus the 2 spares for the trailer. After more visiting, and an awesome lunch, it was time to hit the road. In spite of all of the storms hitting the area, it was completely dry all morning. As I walked out to the truck, it began to sprinkle. It quickly turned to rain, and heavy most of the time. The rain stayed with me all the way to Phoenix, where I bedded down in a motel. Watched a bunch of weather channel, and decided heading up to Albuquerque would be foolish with all of the snow they are getting. I know I will hit plenty of snow before I hit Vermont, but no sense goi ng looking for it when there is a clear alternative. I am bummed to miss the visit with Rich Rauff though.
The trailer is towing fine so far, but many miles to go, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Until tomorrow....
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