Posted by D. Sherman [] on Friday, January 15, 2010 at 17:10:45 :
In Reply to: Re: OK , ill bite posted by Marty [] on Friday, January 15, 2010 at 16:48:29 :
Nobody cared about that kind of thing until women's suffrage came along. Once they gave women the vote, politicians could start taking votes away from their opponents by saying the other guy was cheating on his wife. Women think "Oh, no. That man cheats on his wife. I sure wouldn't want my man to cheat on me. I don't like men who cheat on their wives. I better not vote for that bad cheating man." It doesn't matter what all the other issues are, the conventional political wisdom is that if you "expose" the guy as a philanderer, he'll lose the women's vote. It must work or they wouldn't keep doing it. The other related bit of conventional political wisdom is if you say the enemy guy is against abortion, women won't vote for him. It doesn't matter if he's running for city council, where they have absolutely no say on abortion (I've seen it happen), the idea is that women won't vote for any anti-abortion guy for any position. I think it's sort of insulting to women to think that they're so stupid, but then it's also insulting to think all the blacks would vote for Obama just because he's half black, or that all the congresscritters will vote to confirm people like Alberto Gonzales and Sonya Sontomayer because they'd be "racists" if they voted against a Hispanic. Politics is dirty, though, and it seems to work.
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