Posted by Randy Baker [] on Thursday, January 07, 2010 at 01:05:34 :
Just got home from spending a week in Bogota, Colombia with my wife's family. I was exposed to 70 to 72 degree temps every day only to come home to a day of fog and no sun, I wanna go back. :-)
Anyway, while I was there I spotted this PW along one of the streets and ask my wifes son who was driving to remember the place so we could go back and take some pics. We went back on Monday and it was gone, I left on Tuesday. But, my wife's son was kind enough to go back today and it was there so he took these pics and sent them to me. I have seen a few PW's in Colombia but only one up close. The one I saw had the axles replaced and it appears this one has had that done also. Going by the emblem on the nose it probably has been repowered as well. Maybe next trip I can go and talk to the man that owns it and see what I can find out about it.
Randy Baker
Winters, CA
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