Posted by copey [] on Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 18:31:00 :
In Reply to: Gordon Maney posted by Jerry in Idaho [] on Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 16:55:17 :
the whole world went to he[[ in a hand basket > i seen the writing on the wall back when i saw a transducer on a thottle and NO linkage > that is when i packed up my tool box and moved on > nothing burns ones hole as some computer tells a engine to shut down > gone are the basic steps to restart unless you have a dealer on speed dial and a bigger credit card to switch parts > even at the dealer level i have friends who still pull wrenches but more often than not change eletric gizmos and still shake their heads why something wont run > thats why i bought a power wagon i could have bought any new vehilcle i wanted > all the comfort a new truck would bring me never would have given me the confidence i have in the power wagon > not much i cant do to get it home with a screw driver > with that said i feel for you Gordon a smart man like yourself should be able to fix his truck but in todays world when you truck quits hold out your credit card to get home > any way a merry christmas to ya and i have to go pound some grand kids for knocking down the christmas tree again ~ Copey
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