Posted by bruce in BC [] on Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 00:50:01 :
Got in my truck 2 weeks ago and fired it up , heard a rattle and glanced at my oil guage , no oil pressure . So I checked the oil and sure enough it was down . i added a couple of quarts and still no pressure . Figured the block was cold so i left it for a few days and fired it up again oil pressure .
So I figured the engine is toast which is no problem " i have a spare right over there " So I tear the block down , it looks very good , then I look a bit more and something does not seem right , wrong displacement . So I go out and pull another block out of a truck and now have it on the floor , I checked the serial numbers first .
Today i pulled the sending unit out of the engine . i made a funnel out of a old oil container . I filled the thing and left it for an hour , came back and tossed in another quart . I just fired the engine up and let it idle for about 10 minutes . It has oil pressure . 60 lbs worth .
So my trash truck is back running and I can toss together a new block at my leasure . It runs like a top but it is starting to leak from more places than I want to deal with .
way cool
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