Posted by Nick [] on Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 20:51:18 :
I got the two gauge clusters done. Gaskets cut for them, housings painted, nos gauges installed. Gotta get the bezels rechromed, and figure out how to glue one lens back together. It was broke into three pieces when I got it.
I started workin on the speedo. Took it all apart, cleaned the housing, started to repaint. Tested the speedo cable and speedo with a drill. IT WORKS!! no problems at all. To me thats great news cuz it saves me sendin it off for rehab. The questions I have for the speedo: How do I get the center out of the old plastic disc to put it on the new one? And what paint is right for the face? I dont think flat black is right? I have the template for repainting the white dashes, but the face is faded. The insert looks like it could just be flat black. Its got the speed numbers faded into it. I also repainted the needle tip.
Also got numerous spare/extra parts prepped for painting for inventory or for sale later.
I did list two Budd rims and a temp guage face on ebay for sale, too.
AND I cleaned up the garage enough I have plenty of room to walk, work and think without trippin or having to move stuff to get something done!! That was a big one.
Now on duty for three days starting tomorrow.
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