Posted by Todd Wilson [] on Saturday, December 19, 2009 at 01:13:15 :
In Reply to: nothing good was made after 1967 posted by mannyc [] on Saturday, December 19, 2009 at 00:09:07 :
There was plenty of american foundrys or shops that could make a product at a price that justifies effort. Problem is instead of having 60$ cost in a 100$ part the managers want to have 2$ cost in the 100$ part. Its called corporate greed. It dont matter if its a pair of socks or a wrench. Same ol story. Sad part though is before long no one will be able to afford that 100$ part anymore and wheres that gonna get those companies. I think its already started!
We are on a downward spiral. Our president is over in Copeyhagen worried about the temperature of our climate climbing 3 degrees by 2050 instead of real issues we have back home and soldiers on the other side of the world.
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