Re: Winter storm warning in effect

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Posted by David Sherman [] on Wednesday, December 09, 2009 at 01:46:24 :

In Reply to: Re: Winter storm warning in effect posted by Kaegi [] on Wednesday, December 09, 2009 at 01:08:25 :

Wow, that's cold for the Puget Sound area. I think it got that cold a couple times when I was a kid, but then global warming kicked in and it hardly ever snowed or froze hard in the 80s and 90s when I lived in Everett. There's gonna be a lot of frozen pipes and frozen landscaping in your neck of the woods.

We never got any snow to speak of here in Wallace when the cold air hit. It's 3 below right now, about the same as last night and the night before. The highs have only been about 5 above, which is weird because the sun's been shining. It's supposed to stay cold all week, which means with no snow the ground will freeze real deep. If we get a good snow pack on top of that frozen ground, when it finally does warm up and rain, the water will just run off the frozen ground like it's concrete and we'll have big floods. That's what happened in 1997.

Already one of my neighbor's water lines has frozen between the street and the house. There isn't much they can do but wait until the weather warms up.

I'm not even trying to start any of my old rigs in this weather. It'd be a lot of strain and wear on them for no good reason. It's a good time to stay inside and work on that winch, in between checking my buildings for frozen pipes and baby-sitting the boiler and radiators in the big building.

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