Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Tuesday, December 08, 2009 at 12:18:46 :
In Reply to: I may only be a welterweight compared to you Clint posted by Eric B. [] on Tuesday, December 08, 2009 at 11:44:31 :
Wikipedia is set up where anyone can go there and delete good information and replace it with bad information. Not a good place to tell the story of the Power-Wagon.
Remember a few years ago when Dave Butler and I were going to put together a book of reproduced sales literature, technical bulletins, etc.? We were going to let the old literature tell the story without any storyline in print. Just some descriptive paragraphs explaining various pieces. I worked 8-hours a day for one month sorting and cataloging all of the information. The shear quantity of information compiled from various collections killed the project. The book would have had to have been 3 volumes, each about an inch thick. The price for a set would have been several hundred dollars in order to recoup the cost of printing something that would be so graphic intensive. And this was with sending it to China to be published to save costs!
How could anyone justify leaving out information in order to keep the size and price down?
You might be able to get a hundred enthusiasts to pay $300.00 for a 3-volume set of coffee table books on the Power-Wagon, but that number of sales is way below what would be expected to make the effort worthwhile. The market really is very small.
A written book would cost far less to produce, but then there is the huge amount of work and time involved in research.
I heard that John Zentmeyer wanted to do it, then Fred Coldwell, then Don Bunn.....
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