Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 09:45:17 :
In Reply to: Re: Just wondering posted by clueless [] on Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 09:19:01 :
You can learn more about that truck.
Contact the Power Wagon Advertiser magazine at the link in the upper right hand corner of the forum page (Image of 4 children on the running board of a WWII 1/2-ton).
The Advertiser ran articles this past summer detailing the complete build of that truck with good photos of the process. Just email or phone the editor and order a set of back issues. You can read all about it. All of your questions will be answered.
I, as well as others here, can personally vouch for the truck and its builder. He is good. We can also vouch for editor Gordon. He puts out a great monthly magazine. How can we do this? Because we all personally know someone else here on this forum, in most cases, multiple someone else's.
Anonymity has its place, but not at our table. Faceless peanut gallery posters receive no sympathy and set themselves up as open targets.
Pull up a chair, introduce yourself, and absorb.
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