Posted by Vaughn [] on Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 10:58:47 :
If some of you work on your own engines, this tool is VERY handy. I used to use another type of ridge reamer to remove the ring ridge from the top of the cylinder before I bought one of these. I had one piston that had broken rings that made two dimples at the bottom of the stroke and at the top of the stroke. I was able to smooth the cylinder at the bottom and I had to start machining at 1 inch from the top due to a ring ridge that ran down the side, dimples and a ring ridge that was wider than normal from broken rings at the top. It took several times moving the tool up the cylinder, but all michined out very nicely. Had I not had this, I may have been facing a bore job.
If you're not familiar with this lathe, the three side lock against the cylinder wall using the small nut at top. Once you set the cutter, you turn the large thread nut and it moves the cutter upwards in the cylinder.
Here is a picture of one Ebay 320450169699
These go for $80 plus at NAPA
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