Posted by Brett in AK [] on Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 16:27:05 :
In Reply to: Re: Six Tee posted by Grant in CO [] on Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 15:05:36 :
A 1951 Willys CJ2A was our other vehicle! Later on Dad bought a 1954 Dodge 4 door sedan so we could sit a little more comfortably when we went to the drive-in movies. I remember you could rent a window heater for $1.00. I think one of the first movies we ever went to was Walt Disneys Living Desert. Can't even begin to guess how many speakers/wires were ripped out of the poles when people forgot them and drove off, or for that matter how many windows were broken for the same reason. I do remember later on when a bunch of us would get together and pile into the trunk to sneak past the ticket booth :>)