Posted by Mike Hernke [] on Monday, November 09, 2009 at 19:42:43 :
In Reply to: Re: Differential Temperature posted by Keith in Washington [] on Monday, November 09, 2009 at 11:57:39 :
I just replaced the carrier about a month ago. I broke an axle shaft and the broken piece got really wedged in the carrier and in addition I had broken the pins in the old lock rite (making it a spool), I had a spare lock rite so I set up a new carrier and swapped the assembly. I still haven't removed the chunk of axle shaft. I didn't have new carrier bearings and the ones on the carrier looked pretty good, I was kind of a little worried that maybe a bearing was going bad or my backlash was too tight. The other thing that caused me a little concern is that I have a swapped in 4bt cummins and last weekend when I took it for a drive the EGTs seeming about 150 degrees hotter than normal and on flat road at thirty five I had 4-5 psi boost, I normally have no boost on flat ground. It also seemed to be working a little harder although with the gearing I have the diesel pretty easily hits the rev limiter in any gear. I have a feeling the added drag might be the T case which is on the rebuild list this winter but I really don't want to tear apart the axle again.
As far as lube I have used non synthetic from the tractor store mostly because I can get it in 5 gal pails and pump it into the diffs. I change the diff oil at least once a year usually twice.
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