Posted by Vaughn [] on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 11:49:52 :
In Reply to: Welting on front fenders posted by Brian Holt [] on Friday, October 09, 2009 at 20:18:59 :
Unless you want the original look for show, I would use something else for practical use to minimize rust. I used the same vinyl/rope on the front as you would use on the rear. You don’t want something that will soak and hold water. If you want to use the original, and if it has not been soaked in wax, if it we’re me, I would soak the anti-squeak material in melted wax before installing. The will seal it keeping out water, but will not allow you to glue it, so install it this way.
- Connect the fender to splash shield using the front bolt, then start at the rear bolt placing the material between fender and splash shield.
- Use an ice pick to punch a hole through, then Philips screw driver to widen hole to bolt size and work your way to front bolt.
There are two types of body filler used between cab and fender, vinyl covered foam (original) and “T” rubber used on Military trucks. If you want the original look, go with form, but the cab will wear through the vinyl on the cab side as the cab works up and down. I prefer the “T” rubber. Both can be installed using split rivets. I installed my “T” rubber using cable ties.