Posted by Ed Bevis [] on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 22:28:32 :
In Reply to: Motor timing help posted by Ed Bevis [] on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 08:00:37 :
Well Ed Bevis the Mechanic…… Not Well I have been driving this truck for almost two an half years with the choke in a open position. With out the choke being able to close on its own. So I have spent all day change things and test rides over and over. Late In day I notice that the truck ran better with the choke choked about 1/4 of the way. I notice that the choke had a small return spring so it could move freely on its on. So I adjusted the choke to be about 3/4 closed. So now the what ever that thing is called( automatic choke or air regulator) can move freely on its own. The truck ran perfect the first time out. Now the motor still may need some adjustments or you guys can tell me what just did is not the right way or please tell me the right way.
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