Posted by Dave Royal [] on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 18:15:40 :
In Reply to: windshield channel seal posted by Matt Maund [] on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 08:33:14 :
Matt, I too went thru that with mine the dummie I took mine too told me he had gasket that would work. he lied. when I went to get it he was putting it together with some kind very sticky black crud and was making a major mess of things. I took my windsheild and thought about it for awhile, went to the shop and tryed get it back apart to do it right. ended with me breaking over the trash can 45.00 dollars of new glass and 3 hours of picking black stuff out of my frame. differnt shop next day, shower door gasket, no problems, comes back apart as it's supposed to. just what worked for me. Dave.