Mininger & Son
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Posted by Dan Mininger on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 20:13:05 :

A brief story of my son and I over the past year working on his truck.
Power Wagon changes;
My son [14 at the time] had a choice for a first vehicle to drive. His choice, a Dodge Power Wagon ripe for restoration from Iowa.
We started last August. As the days came and went, as well as the rust and the skin, many lessons have been learned by myself and hopefully my son.
1. Hey, why is there an 'L' on this lug nut that wont come loose?
Asked by my 14 year old son.
2. Why do we have to do everything twice?
3. This thing is heavy, as it rolled off the trailer and over a 6x6 into a tree.
4. What is that smell? (As my son drained the pumpkins).
These are a few of the many lessons.
It has been one year, 10 Power Wagons, [Jake purchased #2 and #3] 20,000 miles of travel hauling them, and the truck is almost done.
My son is a year older. We are also picking up truck # 88 this weekend. Another 1,200 miles.
As we worked together on the truck, I realized how short our time together will be as we prepared the means by which he will start down his own road [in a Power Wagon]. He will have school, girls, career and family.
Bittersweet irony as the truck nears completion.
I can't help but look at the pictures and feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in one job done to the best of my ability, and the Power Wagon done to the best of mine, and my sons abilities.
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