Posted by Bob Stopka NOT in Panama City yet... on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 13:34:55 :
Dave and Christine and the whole Fraser family... Just wanted to also say thanks for myself, my son Brad, my brother Stan and friend Steve. Your hospitality and all the work you did before and during the rally to make it another fantastic event was absolutely the best...Visiting and talking with everyone in this great northeast PW family was the best. Glad I was able to help Dave H with his electrical problem. Had a blast trading parts with Tim, Great to ride with Ken in the M37, talk with Paul, Dave F, Fred, Mike from KY, Rob B, everyone else !!! Because I was having such a great time, I finally left at 11:45 pm saturday nignt and got down to my family home in Branford Ct at 02:30 am sunday morning.. I cannot wait for next year and to be back at another great rally at Kens in Vt. Leaving for Panama City wednesday by way of Hargerstown (WC Parts drop off) then to Dave Horvaths in Morgantown to pick up a 251, then stop over in Saluda NC at an MV friends and finally back to Panama City saturday night... Thanks again Dave, Christine and Family !!!
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