Posted by T-roy on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 18:57:46 :
In Reply to: '41 on Gears posted by Mike on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 12:12:57 :
My search ended abruptly one day when I located a '41 Dodge hidden in some trees about a mile from my parent's house in Belleview, Idaho. The old truck had been sitting abandoned for decades. The original bed was long gone, and a hacked together, hand-built bed sat in its place. The Dodge cab had been swapped for an almost identical International cab and spliced at the cowl, and an old snowplow was welded to the undercarriage in front. However, the good news was the cab, fenders, hood, grille, etc. were not only rust free, but they were extremely straight, and that was far more than I expected to find! So, a deal was struck and I dragged it home to the shop.