Posted by Todd Wilson on Friday, August 14, 2009 at 18:20:28 :
In Reply to: Re: title problem posted by Jerry in Idaho on Friday, August 14, 2009 at 14:12:59 :
I hear you. Last year I send in my vehicle registrations for the yearly tags. I get my stickers back for the new year. I send in the wifes registration and get a call from the fat lady that she cant send my wifes sticker for her vehicle until I send in my Antique tag registrations which is a whole nother deal not related to normal vehicle registration. She informs me of some "policy" and that it must have been violated in years past and most recently as I cannot get my stickers for regular vehicles until antiques are paid. So I go up the food change and no one knows about the policy. Get to the county treasurer and he dont know. He says lets forward to a lady that I know can help you and we then have a 3 way call with the old fat lady about it. She says its "policy" yet no one can show me anything on paper. If our DMV was a business they would be broke and failed in a very short time.